. Moreover, since these sorts of maneuvers ond Day of Thunder. characters a slight advantage over their enemies canModern role-playing tradition is for the rst book of a new increase enjoyment of the game and provide oppor- 7line to introduce lots of inhuman creatures for your adventur- tunities for the characters to be successful early iners to ght and kill in order to gain glory in the name of their their careers. Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 July 2009 Robert M. Grant Article Metrics Save PDF Share Cite Rights & Permissions Abstract If something were to happen to you, with me or not?which I must confess is relatively likely, I would be unable toforgive myself for your death. He shook his head. . Loyal agents TWELFTH CENTURY were planted in ofce close to persons of inuence, in the hope that they might slowly build networks of sympathy and One of the newly unied Kolats earliest victories came deep control within the Empire. . . Although much of the conspiracysdreds of agents with crystal weapons to purge the Shadow- infrastructure survived elsewhere in the Empire, it was weakspawn from the castles and courts of Rokugan. . Embed Enemies of the Empire to websites for free. . During the period after Iuchibans sec- as well. . . . . 173 Chapter 12: Spirits . . Regardless, Armor TN for being Grappled.no one becomes a Kolat Master without years of dedicatedservice to the conspiracy. . To the contrary, the Kolats goals and meth- order the Empire is nothing an honorable samurai ods mean they judge men by their abilities rather than theirshould do. In such cases, of course, aLotus assassin ends the betrayal efcientlyand swiftly, but such risks are constant andthe conspiracy is ever-vigilant. . While maho gives him power, he believes money is the best way to gain access to the greater power and inu- ence he craves. .205 The Undead as Adversaries: Scourge of the Skies . Many animals that live in the jungles of the Mantisterrain. . 53 The Before Time The Long Peace . . . 197 Spirits of Yomi . . ward causes its victims blood to become sluggish and cold. This can quickly lead to inter-character as the GM might like, and generally employing the Kolat to The Kolatconict, bad feelings, and a failed campaign. . . . . . . . . . For a few, spiracy and more than one of them has risen to the positionthe simple draw of power is sufficient. . tential threat level is by its Insight Rank. That was the principle It is the Emperors domain, Kitaro corrected. 199 The Rokugani and Undeath. . . 241 The Kenku . . . . . The Nezumi as Allies . . . . . . . . . . Wound ranks This is usually done subtly while the victim is surrounded by School/Rank: Lotus Assassin 3 (Insight Rank 5) others, maximizing terror while minimizing any chance of detection. . . . . . . . . . . As part of headquarters a pyramidal structure which would come to a nomadic tribe known as the Ujik-Hai, the Qolat arranged be known as the Hidden Temple deep within the Phoenix to join the Ki-Rin, subtly and skillfully inltrating the clan Mountains. . .184 Damage . Shinsei was a mortal man, but the Kami listened to him and revered his wisdom. . . .125, The Ninube . . . . Islam And The Ottoman Empire In Wes Pdf and numerous books collections from fictions to scientific research in any way. 86 Enemies and Weaknesses . . . Like this book? . 44 Of course, a story where the PCs are inevitably crushed byThe Kolat an all-powerful conspiracy is not very fun. Empire 1985 91 Pdf is additionally useful. . . To most he was a wise man and long distances. .132 The Darkness and the Scorpion . . . When the former Unicorn general Moto Chen left his clan behind to hunt the men who had ruined his reputation, Jinn-Kuen saw his chance. Even if he is killed, dismembered, be- headed, or burned to ashes, his body will continue to heal and eventually reform, although it takes time.Iuchiban, born the second son of the Emperor, was a manoverlooked by almost everyone despite his high birth. . It is not uncommon for proud hunters to gions of the Empire, crossing the Great Wall of the Northdecorate their kabuto with the horns of their kills, and ronin Mountains from the steppes. Animals common to their territory badgers, boars, bears, eagles, falcons, foxes, monkeys, oxen,include badgers, bears, boars, crocodiles, falcons, goats, and stags, and wolves. heirs, grooming promising recruits from across the Empire. His horse moment to it when he could do so without forsaking his duties nickered anxiously, but he clucked his tongue and patted as a magistrate in the Imperial City. . Economic ming hidden within their minds. . . Iuchiban in all of his incarnations was human ambitionincarnate, demonstrating the extremes a man was capableof taking if his desires went unfullled. . The Heavens dictated their suffering, so theyturn against the Heavens. . 28 Chapter 5: The Naga . . . . . The new the Kolats goals.Emperor, the former Akodo Toturi, was a mortal man, nota scion of the Hantei line. . . . . However, Jama from earliest childhood was Otomo Jamas obsession with power did not stop witha deeply embittered soul, jealous of his brothers power and maho. 245 Special Abilities . . . If mankind was ruled by gods fallentains who had previously ruled over the land which became from the Heavens, it would be those gods or their descendentsRokugan. Check Enemies of the Empire from sevoac here. . . . . . . . .155 Spirits of Tengoku . . . .132 The Ninube . . . re-purpose themselves as bodyguards and enforcers, hoping the vacant Because of their special function, the Silk Sect is both Master positions will be lled andthe most trusted and the most carefully watched of all the new Kolat Masters will requirethe Kolat sects. . Even after his naldefeat, his immortal black heart burned to a crisp and his soulsent nally screaming to Jigoku, the nightmare may not beover. . . . . In KUNI VISTAN fact, for much of its history the cult denied that its power had any connection to the Realm of Evil at all. The Jade Sects most famous member was a tragic gure, the former merchant Yasuki Taka. . This journey eventually took him to the Imperial Capi- Yajindens most notable early contribution to the cult was the tal, and it was there he first met Otomo Jama, first in his creation of porcelain masks which could reanimate corpses as public identity and later in his hidden guise as the leader obedient zombies. The Bloodspeakers But Iuchiban is more than just a name. In the early years Lore: Maho 6, Lore: Shadowlands 2, Medicine 4, Meditation he was slavishly loyal to his master, but as century mounted 4, Sincerity (Deceit) 4, Spellcraft 6 on century, Yajinden grew more and more bitter and jealous of Iuchiban. . The boy was learning, the CraneIt goes on forever! thought. . . . (This cannot decrease the Taint gain below 1 point. . . Mostly made up of disillusioned peasants, and nobles who wish to see . . . . . . . . The GM might also consider The stats below represent a typical medium-sized ape. . . ability to change its color allows it to blend into the sea bottom. He gains +3k3 on all rolls to resist mental or social inuence from anyone other than Iuchiban, but suf- fers a 3k0 penalty to all Social Skill rolls made to inuence others. . . . . . . . . Instead of targeting those with the Taint, it targetsMISTS OF FEAR those who are pure of soul the spell cannot affect anyone who has at least one full Rank of Taint. . . With ity to cast spells in a manner equal to shugenja thatthat in mind, there are means of approximating the danger brings it in line with the partys shugenja as well aslevel posed by a potential enemy. . . The Phoenix Clan was especially favorable, for their and after his gempukku he became one of the familys most own legacy was one of power pursued with little regard for the promising young magical artisans. . . . . artifacts that would give birth to the cults most sinister early plot and the scheme that ultimately brought about its defeat. 20, Centuries of Plotting . . . Indeed, it would not be inac- ter-century, the edgling Kolat devised their own philosophy,curate to describe the Kolat as a secret philosophical cult, one which they called the Rule of Man. They saw that Shinseiwhich clings to its bizarre principles with the same determina- taught all things to be impermanent, changing as the Celestialtion as Bloodspeakers and other religious blasphemers. When a Rokugani Lying Darkness rose he was among the rst to combat it and resource might aid the Qolats efforts in the Burning Sands, ultimately, he was consumed by it. The hidden Bloodspeaker cellsacross the Empire emerged to ght, their ranks swollen practi-cally overnight by the effects of the Rain of Blood. . . They roll +1k1 c Venom: Asp venom is only dangerous if it is intro- on Attack rolls but lose all Ranks in the Stealth Skill. . . . . . Very well, then. . . 108Table of Contents Mastery Level 3 . . . . Jama and Suru first met as young men, and during their conversation Surus bitterness so over-THE BATTLE OF STOLEN GRAVES whelmed him that he came to blows with the young Impe- rial, the two wrestling and falling into the mud beside theIn the year 510, Takasho and Minobe tracked down the head- road. . . . . Three of the swords did their work all too well. . . their secrets remains unknown, although a shapeshifting gai- jin demon called Adisabah the Cruel would later claim some As an adult, Jama buried himself in study and research, of the credit. . .116 Threat One: Menacing Sacred Land 76 Shamans and Name Magic . . As the new MasterENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE Coin, Jinn-Kuen has been vastly more successful than his pre- decessors, and has rapidly become one of the most powerful members of the Ten Masters. . will be long gone before the information reaches anyone with the ability to act on it. . The Khadi ritual made him immortal so long as hisfully his. . . . . 64 Campaign Options: The Nezumi as Adversaries . . From demonic hordes from the Shadowlands, to internal threats and conspiracies, the life of the samurai is anything but peaceful. . Finally, the artist is free to create and experimentonce more. The Scorpion took it upon themselves to eradi- The Kolat had long been aware of the Lying Darkness, and cate this foul conspiracy and assaulted the Temple and its Oxhad made contingency plans to try to deal with it if its power Clan defenders with all their might. . .244 Wounds. . The Imperial Records werehelpless to use his terrible powers, but some of his followers cleansed of any mention of Otomo Jamas name, and numer-had escaped; how long would it be before they tried to set ous false stories were crafted to ensure no shame could fall onhim free? Kolat knew the Darkness could be defeated by naming it, and K P Cduring the tenth and eleventh centuries the conspiracy began to assemble the ingredients for a potent magical ritual that OLAT LAYER HARACTERS could summon the Sun and Moon out of the Heavens to do Running a game with Kolat player characters is a challenge just that. . . The critical moment came at the end, when Yamat- the Empires social system and leadership, or held together by su would have to release Iuchiban at just the right moment fear of a terrifying leader, they were a group typied by strong for him to be ensnared by the spell. . . . This makes it difcult for them to focus c Duration: 1 day their attention or resist appeals from others. . . . These fears may hold a certain element of truth. ing voice, revealing secrets of the spirit world, conveying Yasuki Hirotada keeps his men well fed and is almost be- strange prophecies or messages, and occasionally deliver- nevolent with them in public, while maintaining iron author- ing concrete information such as the name of a particular ity in private. . cially in the Kitsune Mori and Isawa Mori. . . . From the peak of its power in the early twelfth cen- working against Kolat interests. . . Shawn Carman, Robert Hobart, Brian Y oon; Kevin Blake, Mikael Brodu, Patrick Duke, Dave Laderoute, Maxime Lemaire, Jacob Ross, Ray Rupp, Rich W ulf, Ryan Reese Robert Hobart, T odd Rowland Dace . . Forged documents, seduc- tury the conspiracy was cast down into near-ruin just a few tions, bribery, blackmail all of these things are weapons decades later. . . . . .281 Shokansurus Brood . This can reduce your own so forth. The Bloodspeaker freed his original body from endure as long as they have to in order to reclaim their powerits jade chains, and he and Yajinden escaped the Tomb for the and nd some way of bringing back their leader. . . . are intelligent and aggressive hunters, strong swimmers, and seem to have a taste for human esh. who detect or betray the conspiracy, as well as noting targets for the Lotus Sect to dispatch. . . . . . . 213 Wildlife Encounter Table. . . .181 Derived Values: Attacks, Damage, The Orochi Alliance . . . . . . . . He devoted every possible 5 regarded the vast expanse of forest before him. . . And of course maho spellsBlood. . . . The Kolat must eventu- its organization and tactics. However, it bore terrible fruit his every word only to abandon him the moment his brother Jama discovered the secrets of the Khadi, the immortal sorcer-recovered. This can work especially well in a campaignwhich pursue their goals in many different ways. . . . . . . .265 the Corrupted Mountain . . . . . . If the target wins, the spells effects end. hold onto them with a Contested Strength roll, in- icting an additional 2k2 damage each Turn. . . 36: Dead, ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE THEWhat do you know of the Bloodspeakers? .277 Oni Lords and Spawn . . Thus, agents den Temple with less damage than almost any other branch ofwere constantly needed to inltrate the place, and casualties the organization, and if the Kolat rise again during the Iwekowere high. Kolat agents were routinely tested for The death of a thousand-year-old Kami will certainly let the Shadow corruption, and the Jade Sect was tasked with de- PCs know they cant depend on canonical history to save the stroying Shadowspawn as well as the forces of Jigoku. . A shark in blood frenzy will attack Grapple 7k3 (Complex) the nearest prey even if it is not hungry. . . . . . . . . . When travelersresponsible for gathering intelligence for the conspiracy, col- stray too close, the Steel patrollers rst attempt to causelecting information in every possible way and conveying it accidents to turn the visitors away. They done to prevent him from gaining too much power over the generally use slow acting poisons, to lessen the chance of dis- Kolat as a whole, since in theory all the Masters should speak covery beforehand and to create a confusing delay between with an equal voice. . . . . . . The most common varieties are the blacka form of Gaki. .101 Bloodspeaker Philosophy . 95 Chapter 1: Bestiary . . . . 117 Cloud Sect . . Tigers also sometimes cross the mountainsstags. Welcome to Enemies of the Empire, the rst sourcebook for probably a benecial thing, as allowing freshly-made Introductionthe Legend of the Five Rings Role-playing Game, 4th Edition! . become carriers of diseases. the Scorpion Clan to blame the death of one of its samurai onThe Kolat Problems are uncovered and dealt with far before direct the Hare, unleashing a Scorpion army to besiege and destroy action is required. . The later versions of Jama Suru are created through a blend- ing of unique magic developed by Iuchiban and Yajinden. . . . . However, their successwas illusory. For example, ness grew stronger the Kolat employed ever more stringent what if the Kolat nally succeeds in assassinating Togashi? By the mid-ninth century B.C., the Assyrian menace posed a direct threat to . How- matter of time. him likely to become one of the most terrible blood sor- Iuchiban proved quite skilled at luring those with similar cerers to plague the Empire. Early in the second cen- Conspiracy tury, Kolat agents in the Crab lands learned of a mysterious object uncovered by Crab miners in the Twilight Mountains. . . Followers of Entropy The Followers of Entropy are a cult that is growing within the Empire. . They met in secret, nal shape of the universe would be a desirable one. The caster (or another person touched bythe caster) gains a Greater Shadowlands Power of his choicefor the duration of the spell.MASTERY LEVEL 3 SYMBOL OF THE BLOODSPEAKER The BloodspeakersDANCING WITH DEMONS c Ring/Mastery: Air 3 (Maho, Wards) 29 c Range: Touch c Ring/Mastery: Air 3 (Maho) c Area of Effect: 50 radius ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE c Range: 500 c Duration: 12 hours c Area of Effect: Self or one target creature c Raises: None c Duration: 24 hours c Raises: Duration (+6 hours per Raise) The Bloodspeaker Cult uses this spell to protect their meet- ing places against unwanted intrusion. . . These distant allies, who called them- 36 as the Kolat hoped to do for all eternity. . . When comparing Wounds, in particular one Welcome to Enemies of the Empire. Delve into the conspiracies of the Kolat, the tainted ravings of the Lost, and the silent terror of the Lying Darkness. .246 Arugai no Oni, Soultwister Magic . .111 The Asp . This may be a fight against a dangerous aquatic animal, an aquatic Apes are large manlike animals, covered in fur, with high in- Shadowlands monster, or even an enemy samurai. . When the Darkness nally made its tured and the majority of the Kolat perished, including all butmove, however, the Kolat dithered for months before nally three of the Ten Masters. . . .214, INTRODUCTIONENEMIES OF THE IntroductionDoji Kitaro could not keep the grin from his face as he Falconry was Kitaros passion. 241 The Powers of Shadow . will become sick. Both males and females have short horns. . They are little more than animals, but cunning warriors just the same. . . Why Samurai Fall Peasants and the Kolat to the Kolat The Kolat is by no means an exclusively samurai orga-Betraying the will of the divine and fighting to re- nization. Traditional Chinese edition of Persian Fire: The First World Empire and the Battle for the West Rome and her Enemies - Jane Penrose 2008-02-19 Spanning over a thousand years and an immense geographical area, the Roman Empire was the greatest in world history. . . The nancial and historical fallout from the war only conrmed for the Ten Masters that nancial warfare would be a very useful tool for controlling and manipulating the Empire. . He was encased in a prison of the Burning Sands to Rokugan. . 40 (or, Can I Play a Naga?) . . . Where it How much they truly believed their own doctrines is dif- had come from no-one knew, and the Crab themselves were ficult to know certainly Tora believed, but many of his suspicious of the object it was clearly magical, showing comrades may have embraced his ideals simply because visions and images to those who gazed into its depths, and they provided justification for the conspiracy. . This ter the Seppun Shugenja who safeguard the Emperor, is taskedAdvantage cannot be used in environments where it would with protecting the Kolats headquarters, the Hidden Temple.be impossible to make contact with your spy network (e.g. . . . 242Oni as Adversaries . . . 48 Yesterday and Tomorrow New Mechanics . Common animals in their territory include badgers,control some coastal mountains as well. . . . . The conspiracy quickly arranged for where they must directly confront a group or individual. . . . Then he son of a vassal family daimyo in the Phoenix Clan. Giant squid may grow even larger, up to thirty (also sometimes called the mako) is a eet, aggressive ani-or forty feet long, although such huge specimens are only mal about four feet long. All too often Coin Sect.samurai are forced to choose between their lord andthemselves. . . Book Synopsis Enemies in the Empire by : Stefan Manz. . . 245Oni of the Shadowlands . . The Hiruma think they have warrens within the forest as well.. . AIR 1 EARTH 1 FIRE 1 WATER 1 REFLEXES 4 - AGILITY 3 PERCEPTION 2 Initiative: 4k4 Attack: Beak 3k3 (Complex) Damage: 2k1 Armor TN: 25 Wounds: 6: +5; 12: Dead Special Abilities: c Swift 4 (when ying). the lament, alongside God and the lamenter.2 While the "enemy" could be sickness or slander, Israel's paradigmatic enemy after 587 b.c.e. his failed plan to enter the Tomb and consume Iuchibans soul and power. Gineza built not only Yume-do, the Realm of Dreams, creating the Oracle of Bloodthe main Tomb but also two duplicates, all of them in remote to communicate with his remaining followers. . . . . 24 Brutal Power . the Grave became the cults principle crafter of the porcelain Yajinden was a major figure in the early Bloodspeaker masks, freeing Yajinden to pursue work on even more potent 20 Cults rise to power, crafting innumerable dark artifacts creations. . . . . Some are more overt and blasphe-mous, spreading Taint and destruction at every opportunity, Even better, the Bloodspeakers can work extremely well aswhile others are more controlled and calculating. . . . What of the talesI have been assigned as a scout in this region in the past. of of doorways between worlds? And that, of course, is why I asked you to accompany me Kitaro chuckled. However, Tora argued the Celestial Wheel need When Hantei and his divine siblings fell from the Heavens, not be an eternal circle. He used the Anvil to create four swords of terrible power, the so-called Bloodswords: Ambi- tion, Judgment, Passion, and Vengeance. 60 Campaign Options: Nezumi as PCs New Mechanics . . Armor TN: 25 On those rare occasions when a direct assassination is Wounds: Normal human needed, a Kolat will usually kill the target subtly with poison. . . This culminated in Iuchibans. . . . The caster Reduction: 10 (due to Wounds: 133: Dead must make an Opposed Earth Roll against an unwilling vic- Khadi) tim. . While it controls the Grapple the boar 15: Dead delivers 4k4 damage to its opponent every round. This disturbed Jinn-Kuen greatly, and in time he began to formulate a plan. . . This allows them to spy unseen on their - - - PERCEPTION 4 - enemies, attack completely unsuspecting targets, and then leave the area without anyone suspecting the conspiracy. . He better, the Eye allowed them to regain contact with those of was a mortal who stood before gods and took command, their brethren who had ed into the Burning Sands after the briefly imposing his own will on the Celestial Order, just arrival of the Kami. directly. . .152 Kitsu Mechanics . . LEGEND WRITTEN BY:. . . . . . The Bloodspeakers All Bloodspeakers pay at least nominal devotion to as AdversariesIuchiban, who they regard as the ultimate expression of theirdoctrine of personal and individual power. 151 Ningen-do, The Realm of Mortals . . . . .134 Wanizame no Oni, Ogres . . sometimes receive anonymous information pointing to dan- gerous threats vast Bloodspeaker Cult cells, entire villages Kolat assassins are not actually feared by most Rokugani, fallen to the Taint, or powerful samurai who have gained their but this is only because the existence of Kolat assassins is positions through corrupted means. Only those who withstand this harsh initiation without betraying the Kolat are welcomed into the Roc Sect. . . . . . . Within these pages you will nd with a lower attack roll but higher damage indicateeverything you need to place obstacles and challenges in the that it will not be able to strike them regularly, butpath of your players, ensuring that whatever their journey when it does, the effects will be drastic and immedi-may be, it will not be an easy one. . . 60 (or, Can I Play A Ratling?) . . . . . . . Knowledge of a ferent in those earlier eras. . The GM and players alike should bemember of the conspiracy, problems may easily arise. The maximum Experience Point value of anAdvantage or Disadvantage created by the spell is equal to the c Ring/Mastery: Earth 4 (Maho)casters Air + Insight Rank + Taint Rank, if any. . . . . Indeed, for much a legitimate chance at turning the tables and ultimately tri- of its history the Kolat routinely used the Scorpion as scape- umphing against the conspiracy. . . . When the war was con- cluded, the Yasuki had joined the Crab and the Kolat inu- ence over the family had grown enormously. . . . At one time he was both a Kolat and a secret enemy of the conspiracy, and he R S40 OC ECTThe Kolat witnessed the death of the woman he loved when she tried to The Roc Sect is a mixture of Kolat and Qolat, and serves as the assassinate the possessed Emperor Hantei XXXIX. Given that recurring or persistent villains who return to bedevil the PCsBloodspeaker doctrine emphasizes the power of the individual over and over again. . Crocodiles hunt by lying still, either appearing to be Elephants are striking creatures, very large and surpris-logs or disappearing below the surface of the water, then ingly intelligent. instantly and permanently taking their body as his own. . . His mother was kidnapped by Bloodspeakers in 1111 while she was with child, and the cultists chose to spare her in order to enact an experiment in which the unborn childs soul was bound to an unnamed oni, the child. . . . . . . . .155 The Zokujin. . . 38 The Naga as Adversaries . . While fal- The ying squirrel is the largest Rokugani squirrel. . . . . . doctrination. .153 Tsuno as Adversaries . 280 Many-Armed Death. . . . . . . . . ASAHINA YAJINDEN, THE ARTIFICER OF BLOOD Advantages: AIR 7 EARTH 4 FIRE 4 WATER 3 VOID 5 c Allies (Bloodspeaker Cult) c Forbidden Knowledge (Maho) - WILLPOWER 6 INTELLIGENCE 7 PERCEPTION 6 - c Great Potential (Craft: Weaponsmith) c Prodigy Initiative: 10k9+2 Attack: Knife 10k4 c Soul of Artistry (Craft: Weaponsmith) Damage: 4k1 (Knife) Disadvantages: Armor TN: 40 c Compulsion (master his art) Wounds: Normal human c Infamous Wound Ranks c Jealousy (Iuchiban) School/Rank: Asahina Shugenja 2/Bloodspeaker Technique (Insight Rank 8)ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE Taint Rank: 2.3 Yajinden, the master articer of the Bloodspeakers and crafter of the legendary bloodswords, remains an enigmatic gure. He mysticallytion. . . . The Bloodspeakers The vast majority of Iuchibans loyal followers perished along- ENEMIES OF THE EMPIREhad effectively created one of their own future enemies. Indeed, long before the culty of killing someone when they can be destroyed so fall of the Hidden Temple the Kolat faced many enemies, and much more easily without bloodshed? The Dragon Clan, controlled by its immor- Unicorn was more than compensated for by the ascension of The Kolattal Kami Togashi, defeated every effort to place agents of mortals to the positions of rulers over the Celestial Heavensthe conspiracy within its ranks. Having trav- The Empire once again faced the problem of how to con- eled distant lands for centuries, the children of the Ki-Rin tain Iuchibans power. Taint Rank: 3.2 Although this spell has no obvious or immediate side-effects, Skills: Calligraphy 2, Courtier (Manipulation) 5, Defense 3, using it repeatedly will have a price the maho-tsukai will Etiquette 5, Horsemanship 3, Intimidation (Control) 6, Ken- acquire a desiccated, almost mummied appearance, making jutsu 3, Knives 5, Lore: Gaijin 3, Lore: Heraldry 4, Lore: his true nature increasingly difcult to conceal. . . . . . . . . . . Heescaped their punishment and continued to roam the earth,rallying what remained of his masters cult. is Babylon, which in turn becomes a cipher for later enemies, especially Antiochus IV (as in Daniel) and Rome (as in Revelation). . . A creature withwish to play a shape-changing spirit as described in the Spir- increased durability requires a party with above aver-its chapter. Their most prominent leader was tirely under control, but the ultimate goal would be more thana man known as Tora, a charismatic genius and philosopher. . Crab Clan lands The chilly mountains and forests of the Phoenix Clan areinclude plains, forests, and swamplands, as well as the Wall incredibly dense with life despite the long winter season andAbove the Ocean and Twilight Mountains and a consider- abundant snowfall. . (This is a tactic heavily employed use to challenge and threaten the PCs. Monkeys are intelligent and playful, very curious about humans, and will often root through a humans posses- sions or explore their residence. Of course, this small army of high- ly trained ronin, called the Hidden Guard in mockery of the ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRESILK SECT Seppun family, existed for many centuries before it took on the name of Steel Sect, and its responsibilities were no dif-The Kolat know that knowledge is power. attention of the Oracle of Blood. . . . The Taint can take subtler forms than they can ment almost since the founding of the cult. . .153 The Tsuno . . . Yamatsu was able to call on the strength of his mystical tattoos to resist Iuchibans power. The pacis-tic Asahina devised what they thought was an appropriatepunishment, wiping his memories and leaving him as a child-like gardener in the Imperial Capitol. . . . . . 46 Notable Naga . . Common animals in their territory includeable amount of coastline. . . . The citys rapid expansion into a major metropo-lis was not closely supervised, and the Kolat had ample op-portunity to not only inltrate the city but to construct secretholdings in many neighborhoods. . . . . . Although their primary duty is to protect the Temple, they may also serve as yojimbo to important or high-ranking Daidoji family characters may purchase this Advantage for members of the conspiracy.7 points, Scorpion characters may purchase it for 6 points,and Kolat characters may purchase it for 5 points. Work especially well in a campaignwhich pursue their goals in many different ways his own particular one Welcome Enemies. 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