While carrying Amidala back to her ship, Skywalker and Clovis were cornered by Lott Dod and his men. [57], Following the completion of Thrawn's and Skywalker's test, the Chiss crafted a cord from the clothing he got from the Larkrer and unlocked their cells from the inside. However, Amidala declined this and stepped aside for her elected successor, Rillata, though Amidala privately supported Jamillia in the election. [10] At the same age, she started a two-year mandate as supervisor of Theed, the capital city of Naboo.[3]. However, Skywalker purposely left Clovis behind to face the wrath of Dod. She tried fending the beast off with her chains, but the nexu shrugged off her blows and slashed its claw across Amidala's back, injuring her. Later, Skywalker confessed to Amidala his despair and anger and what he had done, and she attempted to comfort him. [19], After a farewell tea, the guest began to depart. After Organa was forced to withdraw her candidacy for First Senator of the New Republic when Lady Carise Sindian exposed her as the daughter of Darth Vader and Padm Amidala, Leia admitted her true parentage in front of the Galactic Senate. [5] Her death haunted Skywalker for the rest of his life. [19] When in danger, Amidala would disguise herself as one of her staff of five loyal handmaidens and would introduce herself using her birth name of Padm Naberrie, while her decoy Sab assumed the persona of Queen Amidala. It seemed fitting they would show again today. Queen's Peril, Raiders of the Lost Gundark, Monster Misunderstanding, Queen's Shadow, Queen's Hope, Brotherhood, Hyperspace Stories 1, Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars Battle Tales 3, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, The Incident, Part 1, The Imposter Inside, Forces of Destiny: Daring Adventures: Volume 1, The Starfighter Stunt, Unexpected Company, Pursuit of Peace, Kenobi's Shadow, Age of Republic - Padm Amidala 1, Thrawn: Alliances, A Distant Echo, Resolve, So Much More, Star Wars: Darth Vader: Fortress Vader, Part I, Part II, Part III, Part VI, Leia, Princess of Alderaan, Doctor Aphra: An Audiobook Original, From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader (2020) 2, Darth Vader (2020) 3, Darth Vader (2020) 4, Darth Vader (2020) 5, Darth Vader (2020) 6, Darth Vader (2020) 18, Darth Vader (2020) 20, Darth Vader (2020) 23, Darth Vader (2020) 24, Darth Vader (2020) 27, Darth Vader (2020) 31, Darth Vader (2020) 32, The Princess and the Scoundrel, Star Wars Adventures: Ghosts of Vader's Castle 1, Bloodline, Halcyon Legacy 1, Halcyon Legacy 3, Halcyon Legacy 4, Star Wars: The Rebel Files, Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: Padm Naberrie - Handmaiden - Base Series 1), Star Wars Helmet Collection 2 (Databank A-Z: Alzoc IIIAntilles), The Star Wars Book, Naboo, Star Wars: The Secrets of the Bounty Hunters. Unable to fight the Federation's army of battle droids without assistance, the queen beseeched the Galactic Senate on Coruscant for help, only to see her efforts hampered by bureaucracy and procedure. When the blockade prevented an agricultural transport from Karlinus from bringing grain, Amidala was counseled by Zapalo, who told her that due to their situation with the farmlands, the planet was running low on food, saying that the public food available would probably only sate the population for a week. However, Skywalker managed to win the race, beating the reigning champion Sebulba against all odds, and Amidala joined the scenes of jubilation that followed the boy's victory in the Grand Arena of Mos Espa. [73], A statue of Amidala was kept in gardens of the Royal Palace of Alderaan. Padms death in Revenge of the Sith was always a mess. Padme simply died after giving birth to her children. [84] However, the gowns were thrown into hyperspace by Terex of the First Order after he stole Organa's ship on Cato Neimoidia.[78]. Amidala felt her comm vibrate and Sach appeared, telling them that they had been blown. Palpatine offered to send Senators Bail Organa and Padm Amidala but Julia instead insisted the help of Representative Binks. As they cautiously made their way to the door, Padm spotted a shadow. The Council had previously asked her to spy on her old friend Rush Clovis, who was suspected of working with the Separatists, but she had refused since she found the idea of spying on a colleague and an old friend unsettling. She then used Duja's brooch to summon her ship, the Possibility. Having achieved their objectives, Bane and Ziro departed offworld. She wondered how she herself had looked at Leia, all those years ago, and seen anything but what she was. [16], After the session, she and Clovis attended a get-together hosted by Chancellor Palpatine, where she was introduced to Senator Mina Bonteri of Onderon. Instead of simply dying of a broken heart, Padme's death in Star Wars may have been the result of a failed Force Dyad. [64], Dorm engaged the assassin in a firefight and told Amidala to head back to the ship with Motee, as they were too vulnerable out in the open. [22] Although she was not the youngest sovereign ever elected,[10] it had been a long time since a Naboo queen had been as young as her,[19] and she would later question her own maturity at the time of her election. [8] Before the Jedi funeral began, she knelt beside Kenobi when he was alone with his master's body and asked him if he was ready, then gave him more time as he requested. Official tie-ins are gradually fleshing this story out, revealingPadm's funeral - a touching scene shown at the end ofRevenge of the Sith - was a key moment in galactic history. Those funeral guests are destined to become Rebels, united because of their belief in the democracyPadm had fought and died for. She devoted herself to public service,[20] joining the Apprentice Legislature at the tender age of eight, and she eventually became a junior senatorial adviser. Padm knew that. I [3] She attended the Theed Royal Academy to learn how to become a political leader. While Farr requested that Amidala accept his apology for his brief betrayal, she remained adamant that it was the Republic that owed him an apology for forgetting that just because Rodia was not a particularly powerful ally did not make it any less important than any other system. However, before the virus could kill Amidala and Tano, Skywalker and Kenobi arrived with the cure, freeing the survivors from the contaminated compound and ensuring that Naboo, and the galaxy, was safe from the virus. His fears for Amidala increasing, Skywalker turned to his close friend Chancellor Palpatine, who revealed to him that the Sith Lord Plagueis the Wise had come close to learning the power of immortality. These senators conspired to sabotage Amidala's efforts by arranging for a Separatist attack on Coruscant. [8] Catherine Taber voiced Amidala in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film and subsequent TV series. Their meeting also coincided with the Chiss Ascendancy's raid on the factory, retrieving the shield generator. [69], At a later point, Vader began to plot a way of bringing back Amidala via accessing the powers of the Bright Star, a powerful artifact that had long ago caused the planet Mustafar to turn into a molten hellish landscape. It led to her losing the will to live, after which she passed away. Clovis refused to lend any more credits for the Separatists to build a new droid foundry on Geonosis. Amidala granted Tsabin's request to stay in a room in the conservatory instead of in the barracks and the other guards and allowed Tsabin to teach her about keeping her face expressionless and still, something she was accustomed to due to her earlier career as a hallikset player. Amidala then offered to negotiate with Jabba through his uncle, Ziro, who lived on Coruscant at his palace. Despite the supremely brutal and ruthless being the Sith Lord became, he could never let go of the emotional agony caused by his wife's passing. Vader/Anakin knew Luke was his sone the minute he heard his full name. [57], The catastrophe forced LebJau to move to another planet as the population knew he had collaborated with the ones who devastated Mokivj. [13], Accompanied by Ahsoka, Amidala traveled behind enemy lines to the planet Raxus Secundus to meet her old friend and mentor Senator Mina Bonteri, who had joined the Separatist cause. She campaigned herself as "Candidate Amidala," with anonymity being customary for candidates and monarchs. Padme simply died after giving birth to her children. Skywalker managed to kill the kouhuns, and Kenobi jumped through the bedroom window and grabbed on to the droid as security officers rushed into the apartment. She took it upon herself to search the swamplands for signs of a greater Separatist presence on her homeworld, as had been indicated by a captured tactical droid and a bug on it. [16], Over the course of the next six months, for the remainder of her first Senate term, Padme achieved much success, continuing to join committees and work with Organa and Mothma, who in turn used their own contacts to force TriNebulon News into going easier on Padm in the tabloids. With the help of Yoda and Aayla Secura, Skywalker then withstood the fatal toxin attack against the Zillo Beast. Afterwards, Burtoni's bill was approved. During the ceremony, which was attended by Chancellor Palpatine, the members of the Jedi Council, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker, Amidala handed over a symbolic orb to an overjoyed Boss Nass as a symbol of peace between the long-warring peoples. Prior to leaving, Bane and his bounty hunters planted several explosives in the lobby of the Senate building. Highlights of the Saga: The Empire Strikes Back! [19] Queen Amidala was captured along with the rest of the population of Theed and placed Camp Four. She could tell from the wounds to Duja's body that she had been murdered despite the bartender telling her that she was killed in a speeder bike accident. Amidala and the Loyalist Committee meet with Chancellor Palpatine. Hair color Devoting her life to civic duty, she was elected queen and, therefore, adopted the regnal name "Amidala" in 32 BBY. Unfortunately, the effort resulted in failure, as the Shadda-Bi-Boran could not adapt to their new homeworld. Meanwhile, Skywalker began suffering from nightmares foreshadowing the death of Amidala. Sidious, of course, told him that she died due to Anakin losing control over his anger. After hearing word of a Jedi being nearby, Amidala managed to outsmart the battle droids and escape her cell. The answer is clear: She has lost her will to live. Free Will of humans has always been considered independent of the physical body (sometimes it After Governor Bibble passed her the royal scepter that was indicative of her rule, the now-ex Queen Sanandrassa gave her a tour of the Theed Royal Palace. Padm and Anakin's heartbreaking conversation on Mustafar definitely underlines the tragedy of their doomed romance, along with the death of the man she had fallen in love with. She introduced herself, saying that she was asked for by Grand Minister Stin. While Clovis went away to fetch her a drink, Amidala took the opportunity to access the palace's files and download the blueprints for the Separatist factory on Geonosis. [19], As the handmaidens began to grow closer, Amidala decided that it would be more beneficial for them to learn skills from each other instead of simply growing to act and speak like each other. It led her to declare later in life that she would try 10,000 times in order to save one person. The human boy was immediately fascinated by Amidala's beauty, asking her whether she was an angel from the moons of Iego. Padm readily accepted, and found that week one of the most relaxing and illuminating of her life so far, having many candid conversations with Breha about being a queen and deciding whether or not to have children. She served as Amidala's decoy during the Invasion of Naboo. Shortly thereafter, she passed out in her chamber. Their subsequent interactions were limited throughout the Clone Wars, with Amidala continuing to advocate peaceful solutions in the Senate while Skywalker served on the front lines as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic. Medically healthy humans don't die for no good reason But she wasn't " medically healthy ". When everyone split up, the Naboo senator and Binks found the droid. [16] She worked to better herself and overcome her prejudice. [19], As the ambassadors arrived, the Trade Federation sent a large invasion force of battle droids. During this time, she realized that Chancellor Palpatine wasn't as welcoming as he had originally seemed, especially when he refused to allow her onto his antislavery committee, knowing that she cared deeply about the issue. In two weeks, she wanted politicians from nearby planets to meet with her to discuss trade, relations, and the like. Amidala requested Panaka to provide them with several complicated lockplates to practice on. Gunray continued to demand that Amidala come to meet him on his ship instead of sending living representatives to Naboo, so Amidala continued to reject each droid that approached them. En route, the queen revealed to a concerned Master Jinn that she planned to unite with the Gungans, the sentient amphibians native to Naboo. Knowing Kenobi had the ship's destination staked out with a unit of clones due to reports of Separatist agents, the couple decided to enjoy their time together on the Star Cruiser. For some reason, her projection faded and Vader realized that the ritual had failed. [10], In the aftermath of continued attacks, Amidala was convinced to leave Coruscant and to return to Naboo. WebPadme died after giving birth to Luke and Leia Skywalker. As her ship set down in the hangar bay, Amidala rigged it to blow in the hopes that it might take Grievous with it. As such, she admitted to Sab that she hated her prejudice as well. Offee finally confessed her crimes, and all charges against Tano were dropped. As they relaxed in the Climate Simulator, Skywalker suddenly sensed Ventress on the ship and realized that she was there to extract Tri'vak. Meanwhile, the Jedi, disarmed, used the Force to see where Solha and his droids sentries were, so he didn't have to fight them, while he traveled across the maze of rooms, and corridors that the factory contained. During their conversation, Skywalker even gave his lightsaber to Amidala to show her that he trusted her with his life. The prophecy of the Chosen One has finally been defined, the concept of "balance" has been explored, and the relationships between the various Jedi have been detailed. [37], Despite the Death's Watch efforts to stop Duchess Kryze from delivering the datacard containing Jerec's real recording to the Senate, the Duchess managed to delivered the card to Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who then passed it to Amidala. This article or section may contain original research or unverified claims. While the police captain initially denied that any criminal activity occurred in his jurisdiction, he changed his mind when he visited the dock warehouse where the tea was stored and saw the operation himself. [93], According to concept artist Iain McCaig, Padm was meant to make an attempt on Darth Vader's life on Mustafar: the scene as originally storyboarded had her embracing him with a knife, but finding herself unable to actually kill him (her role in the Revenge of the Sith script also reflected that she realized Anakin was becoming a monster). He adored her from age nine and she could trust that he would always adore her, if after 10 years, he still did. [79], A mural depicting Amidala wearing the throne room gown was displayed in Theed near the royal palace. As she begged for him to stop going down this dark path, Vader's eyes burned and he screamed out that she was lying. Afterwards, he and Mothma thanked her for the intentional distraction, though Padm refused to spy on her friend Mina for them unless she heard something truly shocking. However, Amidala was not going to let him, unleashing the full brunt of her emotions, telling the captain to trust that her handmaidens could protect her and saying that she would do some things that he doesn't like, but would just have to deal with it. When Anakin was turned into the robotic creature known as Darth Vader, he asked Emperor Palpatine whether or not Padme had survived. Star Wars has subtly reinterpreted Padme;s death as a moment of hope as well as tragedy - the birth of a Rebel cell against the Empire. Tarmin asked her what was it that she wanted. Before she could reveal the plot behind the assassination attempts on Amidala, Wesell was killed by Jango Fett using a Kamino dart. Despite the humble background of the Naberrie family, Padm was identified early for her potential in public service. The explosion killed several of her guards as well as Amidala's double, Cord. [75], When Amidala and Anakin first met, she thought that the nine-year-old boy from Tatooine was an amusing but knowledgeable child. Instead of simply dying of a broken heart, Padme's death in Star Wars may have been the result of a failed Force Dyad. [76] Before he died, as he shared moment with his son and was slowly losing his remaining strength, Anakin's final thought had been of his late wife Amidala; he affirmed her right, almost as if she was able to hear him, trying to tell her that their son had come to save him, and he apologized to her for all he had done, dying as the thought was finished. They managed to locate the sacred place where the Gungans had taken refuge after evacuating their city of Otoh Gunga. [64], When she arrived, she found no one outside waiting to greet her, or no transmissions, something quite odd. The Serennians were protecting themselves with clone trooper armor covered with cortosis, Skywalker tried to confuse Solha's droids but he only achieved making the Serennians aware of his presence. [16], Amidala on Coruscant after assuming her role as senator of Naboo, Amidala served two terms as queen, and by the conclusion of her second term in 28 BBY,[24] the Naboo had grown so fond of Amidala that a faction tried to amend the constitution to allow her another term. Soon after, the Republic fleet commanded by Anakin Skywalker arrived and started attacking Dooku's forces. [85] He also noted that Amidala was wise, discerning and kindhearted, and that her daughter Leia had inherited these qualities from her. As she only used her new last name of "Amidala" as Queen,[19] she would be free to act as a handmaiden named Padm whenever one of the handmaidens acted as "Amidala. During their attempts to open the hatch, they became surrounded by battle droids and were swiftly captured. While the New Mandaloriansled government wished to remain neutral, a hardline faction known as the Death Watch wanted to side with the Separatists. Right before Padme was about to deliver two children the medic said She is perfectly healthy but we're losing her for reasons we can't explain. When the Hutt threatened to end the Hutt Clan's treaty with the Republic, Amidala explained to him that they were there to root out a traitor and reminded him of the Mid Rim trade routes they each benefited from. WebBut that jump she made sure must have hurt. On the tour, Amidala had to take painkillers when her period caused her considerable pain, which also forced Sab into a position to double her. It all ended in a semi-Shakespearean fashion, when Anakin himself killed her in a fit of jealous rage. Kelma commented on Karlinus' labor shortage, offering to hire Naboo workers to take seasonal jobs on the planet in addition to young students taking apprenticeships on her planet. An election was decided, and Palpatine himself emerged as a likely candidate to succeed the disgraced Valorum. [8] Contacting Senator Palpatine, he explained that the Trade Federation was involved in a conspiracy in the Senate to shift a tax on trade routes they used, with Naboo being the main planet in their proposed operation. Meanwhile, Amidala was talking with Skywalker in her office. [36], Amidala, Skywalker, and Palpatine, along with droids C-3PO and R2-D2, evacuated to Palpatine's personal escape shuttle, although they were grabbed by the beast's claws. As the square erupted with applause, Amidala shared an unseen smile with Anakin. At first, Amidala tried to get the bomb nicely back from the droid, but the droid growled at them and tried to run away with it. [35], When Skywalker and his troops came to rescue her, Vindi threatened to kill Amidala and Binks. Padm reveals her pregnancy to Anakin shortly after the Battle of Coruscant. Unbeknownst to Amidala, Obi-Wan had stowed away on her ship knowing she would go to verify the truth of his claims, but this proved to be fatal for her. [35], After following a tainted water stream, Amidala and Binks came across a hatch which they proved unable to open. After helping a Logistics droid named D3-O9, Amidala and Skywalker observed Tri'vak as he hurriedly returned to his cabin. While trying to negotiate for spare parts with the junk dealer Watto, the party met Anakin Skywalker, a nine-year-old slave, along with his mother, Shmi Skywalker, and his incompletely built protocol droid, C-3PO. At the time when Padme was 6, she was sent to a Jedi Academy as she became part of the Jedi Order with her other older brother, Ren. During her visit to the Mandalorian capital of Sundari, she did her best to assure Duchess Satine Kryze of aid from helpful factions in the Galactic Senate. The Republic seized control of the banks to the Office of the Chancellor, while Clovis committed suicide. Though the Jedi Code forbade personal relationships, deeming attachment, and possession unbecoming of a Jedi, the two gradually became closer as their feelings for each other grew. [81], After the battle Luke attempted to tell Leia of their father's last words which were to tell his sister that he was right but Leia was uninterested. Please help Wookieepedia by adding references. Did the Emperor also have a hand in making her die? While she did become pregnant, she was unable to share this news with Skywalker until after the Battle of Coruscant. [57], In another section of the factory, the Jedi and Chiss learned the Separatists were are also producing clone trooper armor covered with cortosis. As the last ships left, a buoy in the planet's atmosphere was triggered. Tano, with the help of Gungan native Peppi Bow, located the secret lab of Doctor Vindi. As a result, the Galactic Senate voted to recall the occupation force from hyperspace before it could land on Mandalore. Anakin then saw Obi-Wan, who had snuck aboard Amidala's ship, and believing that his wife had betrayed him, and ignoring her protests on the matter, strangled Amidala with the Force until he was ordered to release her by Obi-Wan. She portrayed herself as the calm and composed candidate. [32], The two groups met at a point halfway between them, though Skywalker and Amidala soon became separated from Kenobi, Threepio, and Artoo. Sidious, of course, told him that she died due to Anakin losing control over his anger. They were able to call backup, but arrived too late to stop Dooku, who fought Skywalker and Kenobi before being defeated by Yoda. Kenobi and Skywalker, after a chase through the Coruscant skylanes, were able to capture Zam Wesell. They found out her name was Lis Mohles, and she was wanted by the Republic for numerous charges. [8], While travelling to Tatooine, Padm, still undercover, took to cleaning the droid and, as Jar Jar Binks walked in, asked the small droid whether "the Queen" should add making peace with the Gungans to her list of priorities. The Jedi freed the queen and her entourage from the clutches of the Federation's battle droids, and the group fled the blockaded Naboo aboard Queen Amidala's royal starship. However, by the end of the Invasion of Naboo, Amidala reciprocated Anakin's friendship; she helped him to cope with leaving his mother Shmi behind on Tatooine while Skywalker gave her a japor snippet so she could have good fortune. There, they discovered that the school's tea drinks had been contaminated with slabin. The Jedi decided to send an assault team, while Skywalker was ordered to stay with Amidala. And this anger was amplified even further once he believed he caused Padme's death, as now he had nothing but a deep hatred for himself and everything around him. All she did was die in a way that wasn't possibly her own fault. Knowing that her husband was in the Temple, but unaware of the true circumstances of why he was there, Amidala watched fearfully and horror-stricken from her apartment as the Jedi Temple burned. The boy Anakin showed it to her and she made him. Pronouns While trying to break the blockade of Federation battleships deployed around the planet, the ship was damaged. Amidala suggested having more than one in her retinue, and Panaka readily agreed. With the help of Anakin Skywalker, Amidala's husband, Clovis did all to ensure Amidala's survival, yet Skywalker left him behind. After analyzing the proposed treaty, Amidala realized that the treaty was not even a serious attempt and was simply a document that signed away Naboo to Trade Federation control for nothing in return,[19] simply legitimizing the invasion in the eyes of the Republic. During Padm's funeral in Episode III she still appears to be very pregnant as her casket is drawn through the street, even though she had already given birth to twins before she died. Amidala's children played a major role in the fragmentation of the Empire and the redemption of her husband. Thinking she was Sab, Harli admitted that she was interested in her and asked to kiss her, which caused Amidala to make a quick excuse and flee. In reality, Jerec had rejected Republic military intervention and stressed that it was an internal matter for the Mandalorians to handle alone. Leia told Panaka that she had been told that her biological father died in one of the last battles of the Clone Wars and her birth mother was badly injured and lived only long enough to deliver her. Clovis, in turn, believed that Amidala wanted to resurrect their relationship and brought her to a Separatist meeting.

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