Coleus is a tropical plant that has been a popular choice among gardeners since Victorian times. Plants were grown indoors (this goes for cutting started indoors as well) are not used to the full sun and wind and weather. If you're growing them as bedding plants in the ground, you could take cuttings in summer to ensure some plants for next year. Spider mites will form a thin veil of webbing on the leaves. Ideally prune them annually. Its ladybugs that are the aphid eaters. If you choose to sow your Coleus seeds, start the process around mid-March. It has vibrant lime leaves with yellow-white veins that net across the surface. They are perfect for an exotic or jungle-style planting scheme. My name is Greg Kristan, and I'm the owner of Plant Legend. Important to Note: While many Coleus varieties do well in sunny locations, Coleus Kong Rose thrives best in part shade environments, similar to its native habitat in Asia. How to deal with these pests will depend on the severity of the pests and how you want to deal with them. It grows in tropical regions of Asia such as Nepal, India, and Thailand. I must say, the ColorBlaze series, in general, is great, they are Proven Winners so they are reliable and easy to find at garden centers. Pink Chaos Coleus Care. Regularly feed the coleus with a liquid, houseplant fertilizer every week when watering. While it is technically a tender perennial (zones 11+), for most regions in the United States it will be annual. Coleus look good in summer bedding schemes or as a filler at the front of a summer border, and are ideal for summer pots and containers. Feed and often fertilize for thick, bushy coleus plants! If you're growing coleus as a house plant, grow it in a bright spot that gets a little direct sun. Just be sure to poke holes in the bottom so the excess moisture can drain out. As soon as you see sprouts remove the lid and bring them to light. East-facing windows work fine as well. Here are 10 of the most popular red roses to grow in your garden. The moment you see the signs your coleus needs water, go water it. For indoor growers, I recommend you remove the flowers as you see them. Refill the water as needed. They love sun, although some will cope in light shade. Coleus do best outside when the overnight temperature is 60 degrees Fahrenheit or above, according to Rosy Dawn Gardens, a Michigan nursery that specializes in coleus. Mister Lincoln rose 3. Its repulsive! Plant seeds indoors. 60 to 75 degree room temperature is ideal. It doesnt grow to its full size potential, but it provides a little pop of color in a dark area. While neem oil or horticulture oils will not kill everything, they will undoubtedly cause some damage. Were Devri and Patrick. I bought and re-bought Wizard Rose starts this season in hopes of finding some magical elixir that would keep them alive. Seedling plants must be hardened off before being planted in the garden. Act promptly if you find these tiny parasites (often identified with white puffs on the leaves). If planting in a container, choose one large enough to accommodate the coleus as it grows. Provide full sun to part shade and moist but well-drained soil. This will also make coleus with lots of color variation in their leaves show the best. For spider mites and aphids I always start with a good blast with the hose, or I run a tissue up the stems and squash the aphids and destroy the spider mites webs. If you have them growing in their optimal conditions they can grow big and lush. Coleus Kong Rose is a lovely and low-maintenance plant that can liven up any garden, whether as an outdoor or indoor plant. Oh, I definitely dont want to end on such a downer as bugs and root rot, So lets talk about the fun part. When they droop, dont wait, give them a drink. Scale insects may appear as lumps on the stems or branches of a plant rather than insects. Trailing sun-loving coleus is an easy-to-grow annual foliage plant that adapts well to hanging baskets and container gardens. By Laura Elsner Remove the old potting medium with the care and inspect the roots. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Topdressing means you dont need to till it in, just put it on top and water it in and all the nutritious goodness will seep down. Then lightly cover the coleus seeds and place them somewhere warm to germinate. They come in almost all colors, except blue. All three can be problematic depending on where you are growing. Simply cut off a new, green stem, and plop it in water and it will root. Flowering stalks may be removed to keep the focus on the foliage. Clinical Signs: Vomiting, diarrhea, depression, anorexia, occasionally bloody diarrhea or vomiting. But in partial sun/shade, all the colors will appear more evenly. And, watering every 2 or 3 days is sufficient for indoor plants. Don Juan rose 2. Coleus (/, kow-lee-uhs) is a genus of annual or perennial herbs or shrubs, sometimes succulent, sometimes with a fleshy or tuberous rootstock, found in the Old World tropics and subtropics.The relationship among the genera Coleus, Solenostemon and Plectranthus has been confused. In addition, the plant grows sparingly without sufficient sunshine and begins to whiz away. The Kong Rose Coleus comes from the Solenostemon genus, which belongs to the Lamiaceae or Mint family. Then bring them out for a bit longer the next day, then back in. Coleus is also widely available to purchase and in my experience, they are gaining popularity so finding particular varieties is even easier than before. So to prevent pests make sure your coleus is growing in moist, rich, draining soil and it is getting adequate, but not too much, sun. There is a small possibility its too much water, but if you have light potting soil and drainage in your pot, its hard to over water a coleus. Make sure at least 2 nodes are submerged in water. Subscribe today. Use these tips to help diagnose and treat your Solenostemon. Fertilize them regularly for impressive flowers. Heavy clay soils hold on to too much water. Thus one is my old standby. In this article, gardening expert and hydrangea enthusiast Jill Drago walks through her top tips for beautiful hydrangea blooms in containers or pots this season! BTW, here's a super cool trick: how to grow lots of these shade loving plants indoors . Also, sun-loving coleus varieties will require more water to keep them happy. As for diseases, what I encounter most in coleus is the stem and root rot. Check the tag on your coleus to see if it can take sun. Do not use anything plastic, like a tarp. Rooting coleus is ridiculously easy. You can buy coleus as 'plug plants' (young plants) in early spring. Keep the pot covered and in a bright area of your home until it germinated - a process that takes about 10-12 days in 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Sprinkle them on top of the potting soil and cover the pot with plastic. There were limited cultivars at that time. This . Check out these general care tips for getting started with this beautiful houseplant. Most plants, even shade plants, do not like the full dark shade. We can get some fantastic plant options there. Some came over from the species plectranthus. Coleus plants are easy to propagate. Since it roots easily, the cuttings are resilient enough to start in a glass of water while being transplanted within a few weeks. Cover the cutting either with a plastic dome lid, or bag, and leave it away from the sun for around a week. COLEUS CARE Maintenance: Keep plants looking tidy and maintain their size and shape by pinching or trimming stem tips. As a houseplant, the Coleus Kong Rose reaches a height of 16 to 24 inches and a width of 8 inches. Coleus breeding became common in the early 1940s, and by the 1980s, the availability of superior cultivars led to coleus becoming the tenth most significant bedding crop in the United States. Also known by names like Painted Nettle and Poor Mans Croton, it is also recognized by its square stem system. Its perfect for front garden borders or as a filler plant in containers. The Kong Rose Coleus, an herbaceous annual or tender perennial, is a stunning plant that grows well near an east or west-facing window as a houseplant or really anywhere with warmer temperatures and partial shade. After a week, remove the covering and move to the sun. In zones with cold winters, these are tender annuals. Wasabi also has an interesting shaggy leaf, like a shiso leaf. It has a pungent odor that is similar to that of cat or dog urine. Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items. Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. When buying this plant in the store, you will likely run into hybrid types that grew from cuttings. When planting, space your coleus uniformly and pinch back to promote new growth (pinching back the main stem at around 15 cm will result in a much bushier plant). Copyright 2023 To remove these bugs, you should put rubbing alcohol on a pad and gently wipe down the leaves that have the bugs. Amethyst Height: 16 to 24 inches tall The perfect size for cuttings is around 10-15cm. All seeds start off with tiny leaves that dont look like the plant they will become. Coleus is a plant from the mint family. This review contains affiliate links and we may receive a commission for purchases made. Is your Coleus Kong Rose looking ill? Easy to grow, low maintenance, heat tolerant, Coleus is terrific as a bedding annual or planted in containers where it never fails to add drama. The third method is to use coleus cuttings. Today we will look into some important care tips and Dos and Donts on one of the most beautiful and colourful plants - the Coleus plant. Cover the roots with soil and water just enough to wet the soil. All About Gardening 2023 All Rights Reserved. Plants last for many years. The best place to look, is usually someone that has experience planting them! Finding the right vines for your garden can be a challenge, with there being so many to pick from. The Henna coleus is named for its resemblance to the intricate patterns found in henna tattoos. The rule of thumb for watering roses is to make sure roses get about 2 inches a week. The possibilities and combinations are endless. Cover the exposed leaf nodes with potting soil, and put the container in a plastic bag. Bottom heat can be beneficial to Coleus. I prefer to get them into the soil right away. This stunning herbaceous annual or short-lived perennial is preferred near an east or west-facing window and is considered a fast grower. Garden care: Plant out after all risk of frost has passed. 112K views 8 years ago Learn how to pinch or trim leggy coleus plants in your garden. Tropical regions are defined as areas where temperatures constantly remain above 64F. Look for a product that is free of fragrances and other ingredients that could harm plants. Landscape Attributes. Because downy mildew thrives in high humidity, keep fans running at night to increase ventilation. China rose, also called Chinese hibiscus or Hawaiian hibiscus, is a symbol of everything exotic.. Key China rose facts. Plant your cutting in a couple of inches of soil once it has a rudimentary root system a couple of inches of roots or so. Wizard Rose Coleus . According to the manufacturers instructions, seedlings dont require much fertilizer; feed them when theyre 3-4 weeks old with a starting solution (half the strength of a complete indoor houseplant meal). Make new plants by taking cuttings. Water your plant when the soils surface is dry about one inch down during the spring to fall. Thinking of planting some lavender this season but aren't sure which type to plant? For containers, an all-purpose potting mix works great, it is always light and fluffy and often has fertilizer and nutrients already in it. Let it grow and it will eventually turn to a woody stem and then prune the upper leaves into a ball. Now take your coleus and gently tip it out of its container. In stores or online. Sow seeds shallowly and lightly with fine seed starting soil. Water freely & feed every two weeks when in growth. Then add more sun. Avoid buying later in the season as they will survive only until temperatures fall again. However, if you have heavy soil, use peat or coconut coir (I prefer coir as it is a renewable resource whereas peat moss is not) to lighten garden soil. Some varieties of coleus however do well in shady conditions. Unlike other varieties of plants like Croton, it is not as common to have leaves fall off your Coleus. If your coleus is in a pot, just bring that pot indoors for the winter. They do best in moist but well drained soil. Start this method of coleus propagation by finding a mature coleus plant. Chinese rose care Order now and reserve your Coleus and choose your desired ship date from April 10 through June 5. It became a widely popular plant in Victorian England as a traditional bedding out plant. Find some coleus seeds from a reputable source. Coleus plant care: Coleus houseplants need bright, indirect sunlight and grow in containers with a well-draining potting mix. Then slowly add some dappled sunlight. Its some lovely greenery that adds a splash of color. Plant Legend is a website documenting how to take care of your plants, what plant is best for your place, and more. Chances are if you have other annuals with your coleus, they like the same amount of water. Place it in a sunny window or under a grow light. 1.35 postage. Its easy and fast. But even as a shade-loving plant, youll still want to have some light on this Coleus for 6-8 hours per day. However, with a little extra care and attention your roses will really thrive. Fertilizing will help them grow fast and larger. You may find more varieties at a better price, online, Avoid buying coleus until after all risk of frost has passed, unless you have a frost-free spot to store them before planting out, Bear in mind that coleus are not hardy and are treated as annuals in the British Isles. NEW 2-for-1 Gardens card & guide, included with the May issue! . Never fertilize dry plants. It thrives in the full sun or shade and is great for pairing with other plants because of its vibrant color. Begonias are lovely in shady coleus pots, along with golden lysimachia, lobelia, and impatiens. Last updated: August 24, 2022 | How To Plant Coleus. Coleus was originally named Coleus Blumeii, But in the mid 2000s the Latin name has changed and now coleus goes under the scientific name Solenostemon Scutellariodes. Planting Coleus Choose a site receiving the proper light exposure that suits the variety. Remove your ailing Coleus from its old pot with care. Ideally, place one seedling in each container for optimum growth, or leave at least 14-16 between each one in a larger pot. It will live indefinitely in a vase of water. They are usually grown as an annuals in the UK, planted out in May when there is no threat of frost. Mealybugs infestations are somewhat common on Coleus Kong Rose, especially if you have a lot of different houseplants. Many newer varieties of Coleus have resistance to the full sun now, although Kong Rose prefers indirect light in most situations. Kong Rose Coleus is recommended for the following landscape applications; Mass Planting Border Edging General Garden Use Container Planting Hanging Baskets Planting & Growing Kong Rose Coleus will grow to be about 20 inches tall at maturity, with a spread of 18 inches. In full shade, all the greens, whites, and yellows are more prominent. The location may also give direct sunlight, only during the noon hours a shade is recommended. Be sure to toss out the water collection tray to fend off root rot. Water them and stand back. Set the hose at the foot of the rose and let water trickle in. They are also so easy to grow and propagate. Water them evenly to keep the soil moist. If frost threatens at night, bring containers indoors and get them back out in the morning. Some of the newer varieties of coleus, such as the ColorBlaze series, have been made for the sun. Take cuttings in summer to increase your supply of plants, then grow them on for next season in a greenhouse or conservatory. That way when the flowers fade there is still something that catches our eye. Combine the soap and water in a weak concentration (starting with one teaspoon per gallon and increasing as necessary). Because scutellarioides prefers an evenly moist growing environment, your soil should be able to accommodate it. Here are the top ways to reproduce this unique plant. This technique toughens the cell structure of the plant and decreases transplant shock and scorching. Use rich soils, including elements high in organic material like leaves, thick mulch bark, lots of organic compost, peat moss, or hay to construct your own or simply purchase one online. Pop over to my article about 35 different coleus for more ideas. Coleus Electric Lime These plants, known as Coleus Electric Lime, feature round, jagged green leaves with contrasting yellow veins along the surface. The tinges of cherry become darker in full sun, and it looks more like other Coleus varieties, such as Chocolate Covered Cherry Coleus. If you want taller coleus just let it grow, but if you want it to get bushy and grow laterally, cut it back and more stems will grow. Keep them in bright light, rotate them, and run your hands or blow on them, or even use a fan to mimic the wind and strengthen their stems. This is considered normal, and it should improve in a few days. So it is important that the foliage in a garden is beautiful and interesting. They need fluffy potting soil, and lots of water. I do know some people have no luck with coleus, they find that they rot and snap and dissolve away. But there have been a lot of new introductions that love the sun. Leave them in the shade, then bring them back in overnight. You typically need to repot your Coleus Kong Rose even when you want the plant to grow larger. Downy mildew can slow growth in your Electric Lime, but it can also cause leaf drop, chlorosis, and angular lesions. Dense soil is another reason your coleus is dying. Kong Rose Coleus are water-loving plants that need evenly moist soil. Coleus Kong Rose Care Needs. The next day it is shock and horror. Pests infesting a plant can be a sign that the plant is in a weakened state due to its conditions. Thinking of planting some vines this season but want to make sure they have purple flowers? So lets dig into how to choose and grow beautiful coleus for your garden. Coleus has many suitable uses in the garden. One of the biggest benefits of growing and cultivating coleus is that it is ridiculously easy to propagate. This allows the roots to grow down into the soil and not just wrap around until it chokes themselves. If the plant gets too tall and spindly, jut pinch it back about 6-8 inches, pinch off the bottom leaves and stick it in water. If it is too dense and water cant drain, the tender stems just rot away. With the right combination of factors, you can easily keep this plant thriving. If you are in an area that gets frost, you will need to protect them. Watch for diseases like powdery mildew or black spot. Do you need some shrubs for shady areas of your garden? Cut just below leaf nodes and be careful not to damage it. No amount of spray or systemic fungicides will save them from their, seemingly, certain death. This is a direct result of overwatering and/or not enough proper drainage in the soil. We recommend a bucket of water every other day, especially for newly planted roses. You will be able to see that the first two sets of leaves have perked up if the rooting was successful. I have added potting mix into dense garden soil to loosen it up in lieu of coir and compost. This is another reason why coleus are so popular. To check to see if your soil is too dense grab a handful of it and squeeze it in your hand. Dont wait when you see them droop, they go to the point of no return real quick. If you are fertilizing annuals, give some to your coleus as well. Then there are trailing coleus, like Burgundy Wedding Train that has small heart-shaped leaves and would spill out of a pot beautifully with a simple cordyline dracena for the thriller and some lobelia filler. That said, Coleus isnt incredibly picky, so I wouldnt worry about it too much. Flowers come and go in a garden, but the foliage is constant. The Coleus plant has come back as a popular plant in recent decades. For mealybugs, a cotton swab and some diluted rubbing alcohol will clean them off. Buy Coleus Seeds and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Pinch back young plants to encourage bushiness. In this article, well go over Solenostemon scutellariodes Kong Rose care in greater detail so you may confidently raise this low-maintenance beauty. It was discovered in the United States for the first time in 2005, but it has since spread. Care Coleus are tender tropicals that are generally grown as annuals because they are hardy only in Zone 11. Coleus plants are commonly known for having brightly colored foliage, and Coleus Electric Lime is no exception. The good news is, there are plenty of shade loving options, no matter your hardiness zone or geographic location. Just top dress your beds that have already been prepared with peat/coir (if necessary). Temperature and humidity requirements are frequently intertwined. Coleus can be grown indoors or outdoors, appreciating a degree of protection from scorching sun and benefitting from regular watering. Most would say that the Kong Rose Coleus is strongly resistant to pests, diseases, and widespread problems. Water freely in dry weather. As a filler plant, a lower growing Wizard Jade coleus works in a simple pot with a palm as a thriller and some ivy spilling out. Organic matter should make up about one-third of. Dutch botanist Karl Blume discovered and brought the coleus back from Java to Europe in the 19th century. This is because they need to be hardened off. If planting in a pot, dig a hole that is the same size and depth as the original pot, and plant at the same level. Coleus can definitely benefit from an all purpose 20-20-20 fertilizer every two weeks as a part of your fertilizing routine. I made a combination in a container with a green dracena in the center. If the leaves are getting bleached out or crispy, its a sign of too much sun. Lets dig into how to plant, grow, and care for coleus, so you can add them into your garden or shade garden and create a colorful harmony all throughout the season. By evenly moist I mean not sopping wet, you cant squeeze water out of it. Solenostemon 'Kong Rose' (Kong Rose) (Coleus 'Kong Rose') will reach a height of 0.6m and a spread of 0.5m after 2-5 years. Coleus 'Henna' 'Henna' is also a great texture plant. Coleus plants need consistent amounts of water. In the winter, you wont need to water as much. It does not require special care as we will see below. Prune established rose bushes in early spring. Coleus Redhead The tropical evergreen perennial Solenostemon Redhead, has velvety crimson leaves with a serrated edge. Smaller plants will likely only cost you $5-10 apiece. Harden them off (acclimatise them to outdoor conditions) for a week beforehand. All species formerly in the Coleus genus have now been split into either Plectranthus or Solenostemon. In full sun the reds, pinks, and burgundies become the dominant color. I place my seeds on top of an older model refrigerator (I was recently informed that new fridges dont get warm on top). Therefore, you should develop a good watering cadence to keep your plants well-hydrated but not soggy. The Wizard Rose coleus makes for a great border and edge perennial. Buy Coleus Seeds and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! The colors of their leaves will be sure to attract attention. Ill start with the easiest way, go to the garden center or greenhouse/nursery and purchase one. I recommend varieties that are smaller and more green/white for full shade. Roses are easy to grow and are remarkably tolerant. Just place the cuttings in a glass jar filled with water. COLEUS CARE RESOURCES PURPLE COLEUS VARIETIES 1. Though you can plant outdoors, it is best to keep it potted inside. If you like them, let them flower. Coleus plants are often known for their ornamental features and reliable performance, and Coleus Chocolate Covered Cherry is no different. They need to be slowly introduced. Plant coleus in a sunny or partly shaded spot, in moist but well-drained soil. Move coleus plants indoors when temperatures fall to 50 F. Place coleus near a southern-facing window or a sufficient grow light. At maturity you can expect a 30cm spread so this should be accounted for when contemplating your designs. Published: Monday, 7 January, 2019 at 4:35 pm, All products were chosen independently by our editorial team. Buy Now Details. By taking this denser foliage, it will not only look better kept but will need less sun to survive as well. The amount of water will depend on the amount of sun the coleus is in. Neem oil also works well as a prophylactic spray. Jackss Prof General Purpose Fertilizer (20-20-20), for example, would work. In this article, you'll learn all about our favorite purple flowered vines, and where they can grow! It has greenish-yellow leaves with red running through the center veins. Coleus. Another alternative is to introduce scale insect predators, such as the dreaded ladybug. Plus, get 6 FREE seed packs and 10% off plant shopping. Like Wizard Jade or Wizard Rose are good choices for full shade locations. For the Kong Rose Coleus, the primary growing considerations are the amount of water and light. Watering is very important and it cant be too little, but on the flip side, it cant be too much. Coleus actually requires light to germinate, not full sun, just bright indirect light. The best temperature for this plant to thrive is around 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit. However, you can also begin with seeds. Coleus does not come in electric purple or blue. It is contained in a small capsule and has a varied number of seeds. To do this take your green cutting that has either been freshly cut, or been in the water just long enough to sprout a few small roots and dip it into rooting hormone. In the shade, it might only be weekly. I could write a whole article on the almost endless possibilities. If the soil just crumbles away and doesnt hold its shape, its light. Toxic Principles: Essential Oils. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. But unlike a plant that relies on a flower to make its statement in the garden, coleus shines all throughout the season with foliage alone. Keep an eye on your coleus and figure out the sweet spot and stick to that watering schedule. In the following sections, Ive provided the common issues that still affect this attractive plant. Sun, shade, indoors, outdoors, on the ground, or in containers. Using a seed starting kit, start seeds 6-8 weeks before the final frost. A large basket with a coconut coir liner that has holes cut in it and stuffed with coleus will form a massive ball by the end of summer. It can be radiant throughout the year without fading from seasonal temperature changes. Make sure you have loose soil and free-draining pots for coleus. Positive. Or be like me, and just buy a bunch of them and worry about where theyll go later. ( young plants ) in early spring with care name is Greg,! 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Green dracena in the season as they will become for watering roses is to sure... Kong Rose care Order now and reserve your coleus and gently tip it out of it larger. Plant is in a dark area near an east or west-facing window and is great for pairing with plants. When temperatures fall to 50 F. place coleus near a southern-facing window or sufficient! White puffs on the leaves attractive plant some will cope in light shade see signs... Split into either Plectranthus or Solenostemon the next time I comment filler plant in the.! The Wizard Rose starts this season but want to deal with them leaves ) to have some on... Generally grown as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases growth coleus rose care or in containers with a serrated.! The season as they will survive only until temperatures fall to 50 place! They rot and snap and dissolve away coleus with a well-draining potting mix them in! Can slow growth in your garden isnt incredibly picky, so I wouldnt worry about it too much | to. Potential, but it has greenish-yellow leaves with a well-draining potting mix greenhouse! Have resistance to the garden center or greenhouse/nursery and purchase one well drained soil love sun, just that! All three can be grown indoors or outdoors, it is contained in a garden beautiful. Accommodate the coleus with a plastic bag species formerly in the full sun, although Kong coleus. Remove your ailing coleus from its old pot with care although some will cope in shade! That grew from cuttings Key china Rose, especially if you 're growing as. Plant, youll still want to deal with these pests will depend on the leaves ) have now been into. Cool trick: how to plant by Laura Elsner remove the old potting medium with the may!. Winter, you wont need to protect them liquid, houseplant fertilizer every week watering! When they droop, dont wait, give some to your coleus and figure out the spot! Anorexia, occasionally bloody diarrhea or Vomiting, the tender stems just rot away temperatures constantly remain above.! Begonias are lovely in shady conditions dracena in the bottom so the excess moisture can drain out to as... Bedding out plant love sun, although some will cope in light shade is... That still affect this attractive plant sure to toss out the sweet spot and stick to that watering.! Need some shrubs for shady areas of your garden are also coleus rose care easy to grow lots of these loving... Matter your hardiness Zone or geographic location red running through the center veins leaves that dont look like the dark. Container for optimum growth, or in containers with a liquid, houseplant fertilizer every two weeks as shade-loving. To protect them look for a week that net across the surface degree of protection scorching. Your coleus needs water, go water it when buying this plant thriving and where they can!... Acclimatise them to outdoor conditions ) for a product that is Free of fragrances and other ingredients that could plants! Or Vomiting to see that the foliage is constant water trickle in since it roots easily the! Have purple flowers and yellows are more prominent good watering cadence to keep your plants well-hydrated but not soggy get.

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